hero animation letter nhero animation letter xhero animation letter phero animation letter e
Designers &
  • Cat lovers
  • Bicycle enthusiasts
  • Tree huggers
  • Thinkers
Jumping dot, scroll indicator
Golden egg
ADC Estonia

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Project cover image

UX/UI for Tallinn and Tartu Crematorium

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Here’s what we’ll gladly work on

Photo of a hand pointing to right
Yeah, there are guys who design web sites like it’s still 1999. It’s not us. We are a bunch of tech-savy designers who are driven by everything modern yet functional. We will design you a web that even Gen-Z is proud to scroll.
Today’s world is customer-based and so should be you. We help you to interact with your users and customers in a better way for meaningful and long-lasting relationships.
Nope, a logo in .JPG format is not a brand. Leave it to us and relax while we create you a brand that is personal and will make you stand out.
What could be better than having custom-made illustrations to make your offering more personal? Nothing, really. We are here if you need us.
We can deliver all visual solutions you need to carry out an exceptional marketing strategy. Should it be presentations, campaign and landing pages, banners or handouts etc. Not to worry, we got this!
chevron pointing right
Oleme kursis, et teatud hämarustes toimetavad endiselt tumedad jõud, kes disainivad veebilehti, mille sirvimiseks on ajamasinat ja palju kannatust vaja.. aga meie NOPE-s usume uuematesse tehnoloogiatesse ja kasutajasõbralikkusesse. Ja sellesse, et ilus veeb on ilus, kuid oluline on sinu äriliste eesmärkide täitmine. Me teeme sulle veebilehe, mis toimib igast asendist ning mida oskab ka Z-generatsioon kasutada.
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UI/UX disain
Kaasaja maailmas on märksõna "orienteeritus kliendile" kuldne mantra, mida paljud ümisevad, kuid vähesed teevad. Aitame sul läbi kasutajakogemuse parendamise luua oma klientidega varasemast veelgi pikaajalisemaid ning tähendusrikkamaid suhteid.
Kes ütles, et win-win on keeruline?
chevron pointing right
Nope, .jpg formaadis logo ei ole veel bränd. Jäta see mure aga meile ja võta üks tassike teed kuniks me loome sulle täpselt sobiva ja teistest eristuva brändi koos kõige juurdekuuluvaga.
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Mis saaks olla parem kui isikupärased, nõudlikumatki maitsemeelt ergutavad illustratsioonid esindamas ideaalse sümbioosina sinu pakkumist? Arvatavasti mitte miski... anna märku, kui abi vajad - oleme olemas!
chevron pointing right
Me oleme valmis purustama igasuguseid rekordeid, vallutama suuri mägesid, kui toimetame visuaalse lahenduse kallal, mida vajad enda turunduskampaania elluviimiseks. Olgu selleks kas esitluspõhjad, kampaania- ja maandumislehed, bännerid või muu vahva digilahenduste kraam - antagu aga ette, saame jagu!
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Dribbble shot of NOPE portfolio works
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Dribbble shot Messente Web Documentation view
Eye icon on hover
Dribbble shot of NOPE palette t-shirt illustration
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Animated Dribbble shot of gotoAndPlay planning poker cards
Eye icon on hover
Dribbble shot of Messente Newsletter designs
Eye icon on hover
Dribbble shot of gotoAndPlay website' team page
Eye icon on hover
Animated Dribbble shot of NOPE Piggy branding
Eye icon on hover
Animated Dribbble shot of USS Security website interaction

Selected clients 💎

Logo Bolt
Logo Foxway
Logo KatanaLogo GliaLogo Click and GrowLogo MessenteLogo GardestLogo MindtitanLogo MontonioLogo CGILogo RamirentLogo Baltic WorkboatsLogo BauhubLogo SoftrendLogo UTLogo NIISLogo EASLogo RIALogo Kaitsev2giLogo VM
Photo of 2 hands making a snail shape, stopmotion, snail step 1Photo of 2 hands making a snail shape, snail step 2Photo of 2 hands making a snail shape, snail step 3

Small but mighty 🔥

Team member portrait - Risse
Team member portrait - Maria
Team member portrait - Ardo
Team member portrait - Nele
Team member portrait - Janeli
Team member portrait - Vanessa
Team member portrait - Liisa-Maria
Team member portrait - Liis
Team member portrait - Liis
Placeholder image of a cat emoji
Team member portrait - Jete
Photo of hands making a heart shape
gotoAndPlay - meie veebiarenduspartner, kellega iga kell luurele läheme 💚
Play poisid aitavad meil disaini koodikujule tõlkida. Nende mantra on midagi sellist: „code hard, play hard“

Liitu meiega 🔥

#nopecreative #nopenation

We have our own ice cream bar!
Soft Ice Cream
High Voltage
Delivery Truck
Read all about the journey and see where’s our next stop.
Explore the journey now
NOPE office photo
This is where we nest, our cozy office right by the river in SoupTown, Tartu 🌵
But you can also find us in Tallinn, Kalamaja 🐟 🏠

Come visit and at least we pamper you with some decent coffee.